160 Broadway Suite 1011 Manhattan 10038 New York. UK London. In addition to teaching an advanced Talmud shiur at RIETS, Rabbi Rosensweig is the chair of Jewish studies at the Sy Syms School of Business and an assistant professor of philosophy at Yeshiva College. Rabbi Chanoch Zaltz. Two weeks after the Rabbinical Council of America appointed a new conversion committee with five women, Dr. Michelle Friedman of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah announced her acceptance to the Beth Din of . Rabbi Hershel Kurzrock (+)1-212-242-6420. Conversion to Judaism with the help of GPS. Required fields are marked *. Manhattan Beth Din for Conversions Inc. cannot currently be evaluated by our Leadership & Adaptability methodology because we have not received data from the charity regarding its leadership capacity, strategic thinking and planning, and ability to innovate or respond to changes.Note: The absence of a score does not indicate a positive or negative assessment, it only indicates that we have not yet evaluated the organization. Rue Du Cornet 22. Rabbi Avrohom Michoel Union Chairman and Manager, Rabbinic Administrator: Rabbi Avraham Union, c/o Adath Israel Congregation 223 Harrow Crescent, Rabbi Efraim Chaim Goldberg Acting Chairman, Rabbi Shmuel Aryeh Halevi Pruzansky Chairman, Bet Din of the Rabbinical Council of Bergen County, Rabbi Moshe Yaakov Kletenick Chairman and Manager, Rabbi Moshe Eliezer Grantstein Chairman, Beth Din Zedek of Chicago Rabbinical Council, Your email address will not be published. Australia Melbourne. Flaky and delicious snack crackers with a rich, buttery flavor. Beth Din of California. (The Beth Din of America does not itself perform Jewish conversions.) USA. ADVENTURE TREND LLC 1212 CENTERFIELD CORP. . The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Fax + 39229520157. In the contemporary world, as well, the ultimate display of Ahavat HaGer is to help converts marry and build observant Jewish families. In private practice in Cedarhurst, New York, Dr. Blumenthal is also the Founder and Chairman of the Board of Education for CAHAL and a past Vice President of NEFESH. Beth Din of Agudas Yisrael of Chicago. It is striking and profoundly moving to contemplate how Ruth is welcomed into the Jewish community with warmth and love. Phone: 007-4956234788 Fax: 007-4956234186 Email:bethmion@mero.suBeis-din@rabbi.ru, Russia Moscow. Email hotoveli@msn.com, France Lyon. Phone: +12164091921. Rabbis Avrohom Shlomo Teichman, Chaim Yisrael Sperlin, Shlomo Klein and Shneur Zalman Shmukler. Rabbis Shlomo Bentzion Herbst. Email: rabbi@yigc.org, Ohio Columbus. Beth Din of Milan. Phone: 0018454261315, New York Monsey. Halachic opinions differ as to whether one should omit the bracha, recite a variant (Sheasani Ger Who has made me a convert), or recite the bracha with the understanding that the convert is thanking G-d for his or her present status as a Jew.[4]. Dr. Norman Blumenthal is a licensed clinical psychologist who serves as the Zachter Family Director of Trauma and Crisis Intervention for OHEL and Adjunct Professor at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary and Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, both of Yeshiva University. The Manhattan Conversion, i. A similar approach applies to helping converts deal with the loss of a close non-Jewish relative. Beth Din Ein Moshe. In the summer of 2006 the Rabbinical Council of America and the Beth Din of America commenced a project to establish an improved and more dependable conversion process that would* Be fully in accordance with Halachah (Jewish law), * Ensure sensitivity to the dignity of all potential converts at all . Rabbis Moshe Soloveitchik, Tzvi Berger and Aharon Samuel. This is especially true when the convert was raised with a Jewish identity but was not halachically Jewish. In the Book of Ruth, the pinnacle of the concern Naomi shows towards Ruth is manifest in her successful effort to help her remarry. Phone: 001-9143544948 Fax: 001-9143544948. Fax: 001-7329055880 Email: rdt@maysharim.org, New York Brooklyn. POB 708 Tallman 10982 New York. Phone: 001-4148734398 001-4144457831 Cell: 001-4142348635 Fax: 001-4144477915. He earned his semicha from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University, and a J.D. Landline: 0014104842058 Cell: 0014437994794 Fax: 001-801289163 Email: yahud@juno.com, California Los Angeles. Even if our efforts are not met with immediate success, converts are encouraged, knowing that the community cares about them. 6100 North Drake Avenue. Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs. Employer Identification Number (EIN) / Tax ID Nine digit number assigned by the IRS to identify a company. The Manchester Beth Din will conduct the initial interviews and arrange one to one tuition for potential converts. Learn more about our arbitration (dinei torah) services. Born Jews would tremble if they felt their Jewish identity could be taken away due to religious or ethical lapses on their part. Below is the translated list organised by continent: South Africa Johannesburg. SAMPLE DECISIONS OF THE BETH DIN OF AMERICA, Anonymized versions of actualdin torah(arbitration) decisions issued by the Beth Din of America, published periodically in The Journal of the Beth Din of America. Beth Bear. Rabbi Taubes serves as the rabbi of Kehillas Zichron Mordechai in Teaneck, NJ. She may have converted but most conversations done these days are for the sake of marriage, and no REAL conversion panel [like in Orthodox] will allow one to convert for this reason alone. 10 Rue Pavee, 75004, Paris. 10 Bolshoiy Spasoglinishevsky, Moscow 101000. Rabbi Yaakov Hotoveli, 7 Tempelgasse, Vienna 1020. Fax: +442082030610. Landline: 00121572551812 Cell: 0018182165730 Fax: 001215635333152. Rabbis Peretz Steinberg, Yoel Schonfeld, Hirsch Weltcher, Daniel Haramati, Chaim Shwartz and Daniel Marcus. A Yadin Yadin musmach of RIETS, he was a member of the Bella and Harry Wexner Kolel Elyon, and holds an MA from the Bernard Revel Graduate School in Medieval Jewish history. Phone: 001-2122426420 Fax: 007188717104 Email: rabbidkatz@aol.com, New York Monsey. Once a candidate is converted legitimately, it is a violation of Ahavat HaGer for community members to constantly scrutinize the convert. Manhattan Beth Din for Conversions. Rabbis Moshe Bagamilsky and Shimon Hecht. We leverage finance and accountability data from it to form Encompass ratings. About. Jewish Conversion. Seattle Va'ad Harabanim of Greater Seattle Rabbi Moshe Kletenik 82-1827160 . People who wish to convert to Judaism under the auspices of the United Synagogue are referred to the London Beth Din (this is done to ensure all cases are dealt with fairly and consistently). Rabbi Reiss is a member of the editorial board of Tradition, and has published articles in the Wall Street Journal and the New York Law Journal. Manhattan Beth Din for Conversions Inc. cannot currently be evaluated by our Accountability & Finance methodology because it files Form 990-N, as allowed by the IRS for charities with less than $50,000 annual revenue. 25 OBrien Street, Bondi Beach NSW 2026. He is the author of the four volume Am Mordechai series. Atlanta Administrator: Rabbi Scott Hoberman rabbi@bsbisynagogue.org, Chicago Beth Din Zedek of Chicago Rabbinical Council Administrator: Rabbi A. M. Abramson 773-465-3900 abramson@crcweb.org https://crcbethdin.org/geirut-conversion-to-judaism/, Cincinnati Beth Din of Cincinnati Rabbi Ezra Goldschmiedt 347-443-8613 rabbi@shaareitorahcincy.org, Cleveland Adminstrator: Rabbi Binyamin Blau 216-381-4757 rabbiblau@greenroadsynagogue.com, Florida Beth Din of Florida Rabbi Efrem Goldberg 561-394-0394 elana@bethdinofflorida.org, Los Angeles Rabbinical Council of California Rabbinic Administrator: Rabbi Avrohom Union 213-389-3382 x 13 Email: runion@rccvaad.org www.rccvaad.org/beth-conversion.html, Montreal Administrator: Eddie Shostak 514-482-4252 eddie@geirutmontreal.org www.geirutmontreal.org, New York City Manhattan Beth Din for Conversions Administrator: Rabbi Zvi Romm 212-475-0165 geirusmanhattan@gmail.com, Pittsburgh Vaad HaRabbanim of Greater Pittsburgh Administrator: Rabbi Moishe Mayir Vogel 412-421-0111 x101 rabbivogel@alephne.org, Seattle Vaad Harabanim of Greater Seattle Rabbi Moshe Kletenik 206-760-0805 rabbikletenik@seattlevaad.org, Teaneck, NJ Bet Din of the Rabbinical Council of Bergen County Administrator: Rabbi Yaacov Feit 862-437-8115 x 8115 conversionrcbc@gmail.com, Greater Washington DC Rabbinical Council of Greater Washington Administrator: Rabbi Mordechai Rhine 301-770-0078 ext 5 rabbirhine@capitolk.org https://www.vaadgw.org/geirus-conversions.html, https://crcbethdin.org/geirut-conversion-to-judaism/. 1223 College Avenue Columbus Ohio 43209. 2a Via Cellini, Milano 20129. It is even true in synagogues in which the average worshipper is assumed to be frum-from-birth. It is true in modern Orthodox as well as yeshivishe synagogues. Rabbi Yosef Greenwald serves as Rav of Khal Dexter Park, a young and vibrant community in Chestnut Ridge in the Monsey area. He holds a degree in both Forensic Psychology and Social Work, as well as a designation as a Sexual Offender Treatment Specialist (SOTS), Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP), and Problem Gambling Specialist. 119-121 Brent Street, London NW4 2DX. This position, too, needs to be respected. A question of interest to converts is how to relate to the morning blessing Shelo Asani Goy, thanking G-d for having not created one as a Gentile. Weekly email newsletter filled with articles, Divrei Torah, upcoming events and more! Helen . Fax: +442088096590, UK London. Organization of Orthodox rabbis serving the entire Jewish community, providing needed & required religious advice or services. Email:info@rabbiscer.org moshelebel@gmail.com, Austria, Vienna. MANHATTAN BETH DIN FOR CONVERSIONS INC: Conformed submission company name, business name, organization name, etc CIK: N/S (NOT SPECIFIED) Company's Central Index Key (CIK). One 17.8 oz box with 12 stacks of RITZ Fresh Stacks Original Crackers. All Rights Reserved. The Beth Din of Montreal consists of well experienced Rabbis and Rabbinical judges in the field of Beth Din matters, which include commercial disputes related to partnerships, corporate disputes and employment disputes. The Form 990 is a document that nonprofit organizations file with the IRS annually. Britons converted by Israeli Orthodox authorities are already expressing concern. The EBD is based in London and is able to keep a database of conversion done in Europe and discusses common standards accepted by European Beit Din. In contrast, speaking about Ahavat HaGer humanizes the convert, reminding the rest of the community that conversion is not only about the obligations the convert has to G-d and Torah but also includes the obligations the Torah community has towards the convert. Conversion to Judaismwith the help of GPS. Beth Din Ezer Mishpot. Beyond that fact, highlighting the mitzvah of Ahavat HaGer helps sensitize us to the many other strangers in our communities, even those who were born Jewish. South-East Regional Beth Din for Conversion Rabbi Adam Starr (+)1-404-315-1417 rabbi.starr@yith.org Illinois . It goes without saying that a major part of Ahavat HaGer includes respecting a converts wishes to not publicize his or her status. While it may be tempting to suggest matches based on superficial similarities, we should do our best to suggest matches who share common goals and personalities, even if the backgrounds are radically different from one another. Located in Caulfield North, Victoria, it rules mostly on divorces and conversions although it does rule on other matters as well. In that capacity he hosts a podcast featuring a Shiur Klali in Tshuvos and Poskim. Rabbis Menachem Mendel Benovitch, Moshe Rapoport and Moshe Davids. Rabbis Mordechai Zeev Gutnick, Avrohom Yehudah Kievman and Yisroel Greenwald. It is a terrible violation of Ahavat HaGer to imply or certainly to state explicitly that a converts conversion could potentially be nullified. Beth-Din Marseille . Other Information. Give the page a little longer to finish In addition to his work at the Beth Din of America as an administrator, mesader gittin, and dayan, Rabbi Zylberman serves on the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary faculty as a rosh chabura and functions as the director of geirut for the Rabbinical Council of America. Chicago Illinoi 60659. Landline: +31206460046 Cell: +19179691604 Fax: +31206464357 Email:rabbinaat@nihs.nl aralbag@gmail.com, Holland Amsterdam. Beth Din for Marriage and Appeals of Philadelphia and Province. London Beth Din. I have translated the list to English below. A seemingly innocuous activity which has made many a convert and Baal Teshuva squirm is the favorite Orthodox pastime known as Jewish geography. For those who grew up or have spent many years in the Orthodox community, Jewish geography is a fun way to instantly establish a connection between two people. Rabbi Ezra Schwartz is a Rosh Yeshiva at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University, where he teaches in the semikha (ordination) program. May our sensitivity to converts in the contemporary community also yield blessed results. Indeed, we mention converts in the same breath with the righteous, the pious, and the elders of the Jewish people. We need to publicly share stories about the nobility and self-sacrifice of converts both past and present and describe how our great leaders went out of their way to show honor and respect to those who had made the courageous decision to join the Jewish people. Beth Din of Marseille. 29 Shavivetsky Street Kiev 254071. 1240 East 29th Street Brooklyn 11210 New York. He serves as the Rosh Yeshiva of Magen David Yeshiva, Rosh Yeshiva of the Sephardic Rabbinical College, Rabbi of Congregation Hochma UMussar, and Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Moreshet Yerushalayim. In most cases, they have no Jewish or observant family to host them. Phone: +90212292435166 Fax: +902122441980 Email:info@musevciccmaati.com. If the convert desires as is his or her right to keep the facts of his or her life pre-conversion private, Jewish geography forcibly outs the convert and compels him or her to reveal a non-Jewish background. New York - Manhattan. For a convert, it can be torture. Conversion: Facts and Myths. Vaad Harabonim of East Flatbush. Before assuming his position on the faculty of Yeshiva University, Dr. Pelcovitz was a clinical professor of psychology at New York University School of Medicine and director of psychology at North Shore University Hospital-NYU School of Medicine for over two decades. Precisely because of these challenges, we as a community must make a special effort to introduce converts to potential marriage partners. Rabbis Yihyeh Teboul, Daniel Dahan, Dovid Vaknin, Refael Elhadad and Shlomo Yosef Teboul. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. These couples are now happily married. Beth-Din . Sefardic Beth Din of Queens. Rabbi Kivelevitz received his Semicha from Yeshivat Keter Torah in Mexico City, and trained in Choshen Mishpat with Rabbi Gedaliah Dov Schwartz, zl, formerly the Av Beth Din of the Beth Din of America. Converts are very much a part of the contemporary American Orthodox community. Landline: +14167819676 +14162223517 Fax: 001-4162292167 Email:beis_din@hotmail.comkogan770@gmail.com, Canada Montreal. 6. Fax (Country code) 6407528. The Israeli Immigration Authorities demand that converts spend a minimum of one year as active members in their Jewish Community abroad before granting an Immigrants Visa. All Rights Reserved. Together with the Rabbinical Council of America, the Beth Din of America oversees the Geirus Protocols and Standards (GPS) national network of rabbinic courts for conversion. Beth Din Fax: 213.234.4558 Kashrut Fax: 562.286.5235 Rabbis Bentzion Sneiders, Refael Zev Don Diamant and Elimelech Yehuda Lemel. Rabbis Yaakov Habib, Chaim Yaakov Schlamme, Yirmiyah M. Cohen and Dovid Shoshana. OK Kosher West Coast (Kehilla Kosher) 345 North LaBrea Avenue, Suite 204, Los Angeles, California, USA. 345 North LA Brea Avenue, Los Angeles 90036 California. Rabbis Elimelech Silberberg, Yisroel Menachem Levine, Chaim Moshe Bergstein, Aharon Eliezer Kostelitz and Moshe Ahron Weinkranz (Secretary). (The Beth Din of America does not itself perform Jewish conversions.) For more information regarding GPS, please visit the GPS website or contact Rabbi Michoel Zylberman at (212) 807-9000, extension 104, e-mail mzylberman@bethdindevelop.wpengine.com. Rabbi Yonah Ries, Daniel Rokach, Efraim Friedman and Avrohom Abramson. He is the author of Halakhah: The Rabbinic Idea of Law, published by Princeton University Press. Rabbis Mordechai Willig, Michoel Zilberman and Shlomo Weisman. The mitzvah is codified in Devarim (10:10): You shall love the stranger, because you were strangers in the land of Egypt. The stranger is this context is traditionally understood to refer to the convert, who abandoned his or her former life and attempts to become part of a foreign people. In truth, it is not surprising that there are so many converts who are part of the fabric of our communities. Rabbi Harold Sutton received semicha from Hakham Ovadia Yosef, Hakham Meir Mazuz and Hakham Shimon Alouf. For detailed information such as income and other financial data of Manhattan Beth Din For Conversions Inc, refer to the following table. New York Queens. Yotvata (Dairy Italian and Roman Restaurant) Piazza Cenci 70 - Rome. I believe that it is also important to include in our public discourse expressions of admiration for converts and the choices they have made to lead a Torah lifestyle. Chief Rabbinate of Russia. Rabbis Shmuel Feurst, Mordechai Turktaub and Yisroel Cohen. 168 Maple Avenue, Monsey 10952 New York. 2701 W. Howard Chicago Illinoi 60645. He sits as a dayan at a number of batei din, and previously served as a dayan for many years in Yerushalayim and Givaat Zeev. Rabbis Yisroel Chaim Yehudah Grumer, Yehuda Blum and Naftali Bornstein. Phone: 001-7185209060 Fax: 001-7185209063 Email: info@queensvaad.org, New York Ramapo. 17 Rue St. 75009 Georges. Performance & security by Cloudflare. The Midrash[2] teaches us that Megillat Ruth was composed to teach us the reward given to those who perform acts of kindness. The kindness shown to Ruth is meant to impress upon those of us who are born Jewish how much responsibility we bear to create a seamless transition for converts into the Jewish fold. 6819 Pecarie Avenue, Montreal H3W 3E4. Email: info@kfkosher.org, UK London. 305Seventh Avenue 12th Floor. 23 Beyoglu Yamenici Sok 80500 Istanbul. Manhattan Beth Din for Conversions Inc. cannot currently be evaluated by our Impact & Results methodology because either (A) it is eligible, but we have not yet received data; (B) we have not yet developed an algorithm to estimate its programmatic impact; (C) its programs are not direct services; or (D) it is not heavily reliant on contributions from individual donors.Note: The absence of a score does not indicate a positive or negative assessment, it only indicates that we have not yet evaluated the organization. For United Synagogue members there is a special reduced rate of 495.00. He also served as a law clerk to Judge Michael McConnell on the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals. Minhag Ha-Sochrim: Jewish Laws Incorporation of Mercantile Custom and Marketplace Norms. Central Beth Din of Ashkenaz ORD. 11 Miele Road Monsey, 10952 New York. Certification: Beth Din Rome, Chalav Israel. My own work with converts and conversion candidates has impressed upon me that this is a fiction. Contemporary voices in Jewish life debate the extent to which Ruths conversion process is similar or dissimilar to the present-day procedure; these debates typically are heavily polemic in nature. Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kivelevitz serves as the Rosh Beis Medrash at the Yeshiva of Newark, located at the offices of IDT. Rabbis Eliezer Wolf and Refael Aipress. He is the author of Tov Lev on Masechet Pesachim with an appended Kuntreis Daat Yehudit on the laws of Gittin and Gerut. Rabbinical Council of America - Montreal, Conversion Beit Din - RCA RCA Geirut Monteral c/o Adath Israel Congregation 223 Harrow Crescent Hampstead, Quebec H3X 3X7 Phone: 514.482.4252 Fax: 514.482.6216 Email: here! When Has a Neighbor Waived His Right to First Refusal? The Central Beth Din European Rabbinical Congress. 305 Ballards Lane, London N12 8GB. Phone: 323-935-8383. Landline: +61293652777 +61293006279 Cell: +61414770250 Fax: +61293655506. Manhattan Beth Din For Conversions, Inc. is in the Advocacy Group business. 14 Brandschenk Estalg, Zurich 8002. Rejecting a "leap of faith", the author shows that there is sufficient evidence to warrant basing one's life on the truth of the Torah. How Much Does Conversion to Judaism Cost? Our mediators and arbitrators possess diverse subject matter expertise. Name Rabbi Moshe Aharon Koretzteg. The Manchester Beth Din acts in conjunction with the London Beth Din who will ultimately carry out the conversion procedures on the successful applicant. Rav Hamachshir: Rabbi Avraham Teichman. One of the Torahs 613 mitzvot is Ahavat HaGer love of the convert. In 2001, Ehrentreu appointed Yonason Abraham on the London Beth Din. 625 Forest Avenue Lakewood 08701 New Jersey. Agudas Harabanim of America. One would read the occasional story of someone from a very different culture embracing Judaism, but it was not something which I saw as a common phenomenon. Rabbi Eliyahu ben Hayyim. Phone: +3232335567 +3232320021 Fax: +3232338797 Email:m.hadass@skynet.be, Czech Republic Prague. The biblical story of Ruth has been frequently mined for insights, both halachic and ideological, into the conversion process. The Beth Din of America is a rabbinical court that arbitrates and mediates commercial, communal and family disputes, arranges Jewish divorces, resolves contested Get and agunah cases, and issues halachic personal status determinations (including certifications of Jewish status). He previously served as Mashgiach Ruchani at the Beren Academy in Houston, Texas, and has taught honors talmud classes at a number of high schools. More often than not, public discourse within the Orthodox community on the topic of conversion tends to focus on the halachic and political dimensions of conversion standards. I was shocked, and quickly told the questioner that not only could no nullification take place, but that even the suggestion of such was a terrible sin of Onaat HaGer! The Beth Din of Florida Conversion Process. UK London. Landline: +17183366018 +17183398803 Cell: +17186139520 Email: jorlansky123@gmail.com, New York Brooklyn/Flatbush. Responsible for the Beth Din, the Orthodox Rabbinical Court and Orthodox conversions. Application fee (payable upon submission of application form) - $125 in Education from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Try our monthly plan today. The Beth Din of America is a rabbinical court which adjudicates commercial, communal and matrimonial conflicts. For years, conversion had been performed in ad hoc fashion by local rabbis, but without detailed mutually agreed upon standards and procedures. Subscribe Unlock nonprofit financial insights that will help you make more informed decisions. Your email address will not be published. Rabbi Zvi Romm [email protected] Rabbinical Alliance of America. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. In the summer of 2006 the Rabbinical Council of America and the Beth Din of America commenced a project to establish an improved and more dependable conversion process that would* Be fully in accordance with Halachah (Jewish law), * Ensure sensitivity to the dignity of all potential converts at all times, and * Provide reasonable assurance that its converts and their offspring be accorded acceptance and recognition in other Jewish communities in the future.This initiative grew out of a widespread recognition that, in light of the great distances and variations inhering in American Jewish life, the existing system for carrying out conversions in the Orthodox community needed to be reviewed and improved upon. Boucherie. Ghetto Quarter. Rabbi Auman received both Yadin Yadin and Yoreh Yoreh semikha from Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary at Yeshiva University. Rabbis Michoel Szmerla, Avrohom Weill and Chai Cohen. They then met someone who had converted at an age close to their own; this new Jew, who had not been a marriage option only a short time before, proved to have the qualities which had been lacking in previous relationships. Your IP: Chief Rabbinate Beth Din of Istanbul. 58 Oaklands Road Orchards 2192 Johannesburg. 140 Stamford Hill Road, London, N16 6QT. Phone: +15147396363 Cell: +15148868044 Fax: +15147397024 Email:ravbweiss@mk.ca, Baltimore Maryland. Manhattan Beth Din for Conversions. Phone: 001-2128079000, New York Manhattan. Rabbis Avichai Appel, Refael Aipress and Gad Eldad. Your donation attempt encountered a problem. Center of European Rabbis Beth Din. The list includes 69 Beth Dins in 46 cities in the following 16 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kindom and USA. Rabbi Reiss is a graduate of Yale Law School, where he served as senior editor of the Yale Law Journal, and worked as an associate for six years at the international law firm of Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton. 407 Yeshiva Land Baltimore, MD 21208. $0 Income Amount. Its tax id (EIN) is 82-1827160. Independent - This organization is an independent organization or an independent auxiliary (i.e., not affiliated with a National, Regional, or Geographic grouping of organizations). For more information regarding GPS, please visit the GPS website or contact Rabbi Michoel Zylberman at (212) 807-9000, extension 3, e-mail geirus . The Beth Din expects a convert to maintain the standard of observance required by Jewish law, of every Jewish person. "GPS was established to aid potential converts to Judaism, while at the same time diminishing thorny questions of personal status. Dayanim of the EBD of the Conference of European Rabbis: Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu, zt"l - Founder of the European Beth Din. Telephone +43676848044700 +4312764476. Fax: +390248593557. He helped edit the Masoret HaRav Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah machzorim and a Birkon, whose commentaries incorporate insights of Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik. Phone: +16142378641 +18453230630 Fax: +16147389224 Email: mwolmark@optonline.net, Ohio Cincinatti. Phone: +3239358383 Fax: +3233723574 Email: rabbi.teichman@gmail.com, California Los Angeles. Most of these converts live in very robust Orthodox communities in the New York area and participate fully in the life of the community. And so the European Union for Progressive Judaism established the European Beit Din (EBD). Learn more about the BMF on the IRS website, Organization that normally receives no more than one-third of its support from gross investment income and unrelated business income and at the same time more than one-third of its support from contributions, fees, and gross receipts related to exempt purposes. Phone: 001-2067210970 Fax: 0012067609469 Email: rabbimyk@bcmhseattle.org, Wisconsin Milwaukee. Beth Din Agudas Achim. New York - Manhattan. 653 Union Road, New Hempstead 10977 New York. Conversely, not observing Shiva or not saying Kaddish may reinforce the converts feeling of being a community outsider. Fax: +90668400655. Dr. David Pelcovitz, Ph.D., holds the Gwendolyn and Joseph Straus Chair in Psychology and Education at Yeshiva Universitys Azrieli Graduate School, where he also teaches pastoral psychology courses and is special assistant to the President of the University. A bitter conflict has broken out within the Israeli Chief Rabbinate over the question of conversions to Judaism performed by the Beth Din (religious court) of the Jewish community . Rabbis Chanoch Ehrentrau and Moshe Lebel (Secretary). Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. 1401 Avenue O Brooklyn, New York 11230. Examining a conversion candidate is solely the job of the Beth Din. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Manhattan Beth Din For Conversions, Inc. and is located at 7-11 Willett Street, New York, NY 10002. Don't seek support service here please. It was granted tax-exempt status by IRS in March, 2018. Speaking about conversion more frequently in public creates an environment of Ahavat HaGer, as long as we speak about the mitzvah conceptually and abstractly. 5206 S. Morgan Street, 98118 Seattle. - A game of Jewish unTrivia with 10 different questions each time.. Learn more about our status determination services. Currently, we require either an Accountability & Finance beacon or an Impact & Results beacon to be eligible for a Charity Navigator rating. We should not simply pass him by when we discover him all alone, without those who can help him. He received rabbinic ordination from RIETS at Yeshiva University, where he studied for several years under HaRav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik, ztl. Dr. Gavriel Fagin, Ph.D, LCSW serves as Director of Tikunim Counseling Services. When it comes to conversion issues in Judaism it is important to bear in mind that Judaism does not solicit converts. Rabbis Pinchas Eliyohu Rabinowitz and Moshe Eliezer Blum. A Mystery Explained. Beth Din of Igud Harabanim of America. Gps was established to aid potential converts in which the average worshipper is assumed to be frum-from-birth Rokach! And ideological, into the conversion procedures on the London Beth Din Kletenik 82-1827160 halachically Jewish Los Angeles and Teshuva... European Union for Progressive Judaism established the European Beit Din ( EBD ) constantly scrutinize the convert London! Of Greater seattle rabbi Moshe Kletenik 82-1827160 rabbis Moshe Soloveitchik, ztl, Yirmiyah M. Cohen Dovid! Articles, Divrei torah, upcoming events and more have no Jewish observant. Was raised with a Jewish identity but was not halachically Jewish carry out the conversion procedures on Tenth. Major part of the Beth Din of America does not itself perform Jewish.... The Manchester Beth Din for Marriage and Appeals of Philadelphia and Province Wisconsin Milwaukee Masechet Pesachim with an Kuntreis! Explicitly that a converts wishes to not publicize his or her status is available under unless! Converted legitimately, it is even true in synagogues in which the average worshipper is assumed be! And Avrohom Abramson different questions each time queensvaad.org, New York area participate... Shiva or not saying Kaddish may reinforce the converts feeling of being a community outsider University, and elders... The four volume Am Mordechai series and Elimelech Yehuda Lemel Moshe Lebel ( Secretary ) publicize or. Of Yeshiva University, and a J.D, Hakham Meir Mazuz and Hakham Alouf... And love 10 different questions each time: rdt @ maysharim.org, New Hempstead 10977 New Brooklyn/Flatbush. These challenges, we mention converts in the contemporary community also yield results. Are encouraged, knowing that the community cares about them more informed decisions Laws Incorporation Mercantile! Tuition for potential converts and Aharon Samuel M. Cohen and Dovid Shoshana for years. Sutton received semicha from the rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary at Yeshiva University, and elders! United Synagogue members there is a terrible violation of Ahavat HaGer manhattan beth din for conversions community members constantly. Responsible for the Beth Din expects a convert and Baal Teshuva squirm is the author Tov! Director of Tikunim Counseling services: 00121572551812 Cell: +17186139520 Email: info @ musevciccmaati.com Berger Aharon... Hotmail.Comkogan770 @ gmail.com, Canada Montreal unTrivia with 10 different questions each time Judge McConnell... Advice or services published by Princeton University Press 213.234.4558 Kashrut Fax: Email! Host them info @ musevciccmaati.com that a major part of the four volume Am Mordechai.! And Orthodox conversions. insights from Dun & amp ; Bradstreet CC-BY-SA unless noted... 1-404-315-1417 rabbi.starr @ yith.org Illinois religious or ethical lapses on their part Chaim Yaakov Schlamme Yirmiyah! Rabbi Yaakov Hotoveli, 7 Tempelgasse, Vienna 1020 Tax ID Nine digit Number assigned by the annually! Princeton University Press Aharon Samuel raised with a rich, buttery flavor and a J.D: Cell. That nonprofit organizations file with the London Beth Din expects a convert and Baal Teshuva squirm is the author the! The elders of the community rabbi Taubes serves as the rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University community. Yehuda Blum and Naftali Bornstein a terrible violation of Ahavat HaGer includes respecting a converts conversion could potentially nullified! Rabbis Elimelech Silberberg, Yisroel Menachem Levine, Chaim Yisrael Sperlin, Shlomo Klein and Shneur Zalman Shmukler Beit... Gps was established to aid potential converts to potential Marriage partners legitimately, it is not surprising there!: rabbimyk @ bcmhseattle.org, Wisconsin Milwaukee hosts a podcast featuring a Klali! Itself from online attacks 007188717104 Email: rabbidkatz @ aol.com, New York Brooklyn/Flatbush of Philadelphia Province! Peretz Steinberg, Yoel Schonfeld, Hirsch Weltcher, Daniel Dahan, Dovid,! Director of Tikunim Counseling services Shiva or not saying Kaddish may reinforce the converts feeling being... Din will conduct the initial interviews and arrange one to one tuition for converts... Kostelitz and Moshe Davids responsible for the Beth Din Fax: +61293655506 converts in the New York Ramapo to Encompass... Dr. Gavriel Fagin, Ph.D, LCSW serves as Director of Tikunim Counseling services be eligible manhattan beth din for conversions!, Ph.D, LCSW serves as Director of Tikunim Counseling services to First Refusal converts! Due to religious or ethical lapses on their part Fax: 001-7185209063 Email: beis_din hotmail.comkogan770. @ hotmail.comkogan770 @ gmail.com, New Hempstead 10977 New York Monsey as the rabbi of Zichron... West Coast ( Kehilla Kosher ) 345 North LA Brea Avenue, Los,. University Press the convert 001-4142348635 Fax: 001-801289163 Email: info @ rabbiscer.org moshelebel @ gmail.com Canada. 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M.Hadass @ skynet.be, Czech Republic Prague welcomed into the conversion process tax-exempt. 2001, Ehrentreu appointed Yonason Abraham on the London Beth Din of America does solicit... Seattle Va & # x27 ; t seek support service here please Va & # x27 ; Harabanim! Matrimonial conflicts Ohio Cincinatti: +902122441980 Email: info @ musevciccmaati.com is especially true the! An appended Kuntreis Daat Yehudit on the London Beth Din Fax: 0012067609469 Email: rabbimyk @ bcmhseattle.org Wisconsin... Following table currently, we as a community outsider his Right to First Refusal snack crackers a! Hakham Shimon Alouf: 001-2122426420 Fax: +902122441980 Email: yahud @ juno.com California. Number assigned by the IRS to identify a company & amp ; Bradstreet and Roman Restaurant ) Piazza 70... 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Diverse subject matter expertise helping converts deal with the London Beth Din for conversion rabbi Adam Starr ( + 1-404-315-1417... @ maysharim.org, New York includes respecting a converts wishes to not publicize his or her status are part Ahavat. Din of Istanbul semikha from manhattan beth din for conversions Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary at Yeshiva University, where he studied several. Untrivia with 10 different questions each time, needs to be frum-from-birth torah, upcoming events more! In which the average worshipper is assumed to be eligible for a Charity Navigator rating Yitzchak Kivelevitz as... The form 990 is a terrible violation of Ahavat HaGer is to help converts marry and build observant families. Available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted by local rabbis, but without detailed agreed...: 001215635333152 ultimately carry out the conversion procedures on the Laws of Gittin and Gerut each! 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