FY2023 appropriation: $78,554,322; authorized positions: MARYLAND CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION - HAGERSTOWN Vacancy, Director (410) 540-5405 (Q00C0101, formerly Walter R. West III, Warden (410) 845-4000, ext. e-mail: cleveland.friday@maryland.gov OFFICE OF FIELD OPERATIONS PRETRIAL RELEASE SERVICES (Q00S0203, formerly Q00B0501, formerly Barbara A. Kittrell, Deputy Director (410) 585-5042; e-mail: barbara.kittrell1@maryland.gov, BUDGET SCHOOL & SPECIAL INMATE PROJECTS The Maryland Parole Commission is charged with determining on a case-by-case basis whether inmates serving sentences of six months or more in state or local facilities are suitable for release into the community under certain conditions or supervision by the Division of Parole and Probation. Mark K. Rowley, Chief Administrative Officer (410) 540-5412 CHARLES COUNTY OFFICE OF PROPERTY & FLEET MANAGEMENT SERVICES Jay E. Miller, Manager (410) 585-3489; e-mail: jay.miller@maryland.gov of Transportation; Daniel D. Schuster, Maryland Higher Education Commission. PUBLIC SAFETY WORKS Search the Manual
FY2023 appropriation: $49,549,265; authorized positions: 352 e-mail: christine.burke@maryland.gov FISCAL SERVICES MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Shelia L. Wills, Director (410) 339-5042 Rosetta D. Swan, Administrator (410) 209-4177 FY2023 appropriation: $21,348,309; authorized positions: 238 CORRECTIONAL SECURITY Antoinette Washington, Director (410) 585-3900 MARYLAND CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION - JESSUP e-mail: adaora.odunze@maryland.gov Debora A. Darden, Assistant Warden (410) 845-4000, ext. SECURITY ADDICTIONS COUNSELING HEALTH SERVICES (Q00A0204) David W. Dawkins, Acting Deputy Executive Director (410) 585-3557 Appointed by Governor upon legislative nomination to 3-year terms: FOOD SERVICE David W. Dawkins, Acting Deputy Executive Director (410) 585-3557 FY2023 appropriation: $60,285,167; authorized positions: Ashley L. Lohr, Acting Chief Operating Officer (410) 540-5405; e-mail: ashley.lohr@maryland.gov The Maryland Parole Commission is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations on pardon applications if requested by the governor, but its advice is not binding. e-mail: frederick.abello@maryland.gov FY2023 appropriation: $67,202,770; authorized positions: web: http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/mccs.shtml e-mail: william.bohrer@maryland.gov Donna A. Hansen, Chief of Security (410) 209-4018; e-mail: donna.hansen@maryland.gov e-mail: dionne.randolph@maryland.gov, SECURITY Donna A. Hansen, Chief of Security (410) 209-4018; e-mail: donna.hansen@maryland.gov Vice, Personnel Officer (410) 539-5445, ext. ASSISTANT WARDEN Cleveland C. Friday, Warden (410) 540-6353 EDUCATION Vacancy, Assistant Warden (410) 540-2602 Michael E. Lichtenberg, Assistant Warden (240) 420-3105; e-mail: michael.lichtenberg@maryland.gov DPSCS Maryland Parole Commission Date Opened 8/2/2021 11:59:00 PM Filing Deadline 8/17/2021 11:59:00 PM Salary Employment Type Full-Time HR Analyst Jordan McNeil Work Location Baltimore City Go Back View Benefits. Photo by Diane F. Evartt. PUBLIC SAFETY EDUCATION & TRAINING CENTER e-mail: carla.smith@maryland.gov ADMINISTRATION Margaret Chippendale, Warden (410) 379-6299 SECURITY Andrea King-Wessels, Manager (410) 875-3435 Maryland Departments EDUCATION William S. Bohrer, Warden (240) 420-1400 PROJECTS Robert W. Turner, Jr., Acting Administrator (410) 810-5400; e-mail: robert.turner@maryland.gov Jeffrey A. Nines, Warden (301) 729-7501 Randolph J. Shipe, Principal (410) 234-1840; e-mail: randolph.shipe@dpscs.state.md.us Karen Darby, Coordinator (410) 585-3348 of Commerce; Danny J. Mays, Dept. Frederick T. Abello, Warden (410) 545-8105 Kimberly A. e-mail: tyrell.wilson@maryland.gov of Budget & Management; Brenda Lee, Dept. Keith D. Dickens, Chief of Security (410) 540-6702; e-mail: keith.dickens@maryland.gov OFFENDER SERVICES & LABORATORY SERVICES NORTH BRANCH CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION (Cumberland) 20 Maryland Parole Commission or the court of a certain impending transfer at a 21 certain time; providing that a supervised individual who is on abatement may not be 22 required to regularly report to a certain agent or pay a supervision fee; requiring the 23 Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services to develop an automated . Frank B. Bishop, Jr., Assistant Commissioner of Correction, Western Region; e-mail: frank.bishop@maryland.gov QUEEN ANNE'S COUNTY ADMINISTRATION & SUPPORT SERVICES ASSISTANT WARDEN Terms expire 2020. e-mail: christina.lentz@maryland.gov FOOD SERVICES Albert L. Liebno, Jr., Executive Director (410) 875-3400; e-mail: albert.liebno@maryland.gov, e-mail: info@pctc.state.md.us VOLUNTEER SERVICES CASE MANAGEMENT Cynthia Briscoe, Assistant Warden (410) 878-4200; e-mail: cynthia.briscoe@maryland.gov Amy M. Gragg, Manager (410) 845-4075; e-mail: amy.gragg@maryland.gov CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS - JESSUP REGION RELIGIOUS SERVICES FY2023 appropriation: $60,285,167; authorized positions: 4105; e-mail: monika.brittingham@maryland.gov CASE MANAGEMENT VOLUNTEER SERVICES A. (formerly Q00C0203, Q00B0306, Q00B0609, and Ex officio: Beverly F. Hughes, designee of Attorney General; Shakia C. Word, designee of Secretary of Budget & Management; Nelson E. Reichart, designee of Secretary of General Services. HAGERSTOWN REGION Eastern Correctional Institution Training Building, Revells Neck Road, Westover, Maryland, May 2017. e-mail: michael.kwitkowski@maryland.gov Orlando Johnson, Acting Warden (410) 799-7273 ASSISTANT WARDEN Sharon L. Baucom, M.D., Chief Medical Director (410) 585-3380 STAFF TRAINING Flowers, Manager (410) 545-8159; e-mail: gina.flowers@maryland.gov e-mail: kimberly.stewart1@maryland.gov Robert W. Turner, Jr., Acting Administrator (410) 810-5400; e-mail: robert.turner@maryland.gov The Board of Parole had been established by Chapter 457, Acts of 1968, to replace the Board of Parole and Probation. e-mail: andrea.king-wessels@maryland.gov Maryland at a Glance d. The Warrant Apprehension Unit, Department of Corrections, can verify a retake warrant at all times and can be reached at 410-333-8732. e-mail: linda.cottie@maryland.gov William M. Crabbs, 2023; Marcus E. Pollock, 2024; Barbara L. Duncan, 2025; Michael B. Finegan, Ph.D., 2025; one vacancy. Bernice Thomas, Administrative Officer (410) 585-3262; e-mail: bernice.thomas@maryland.gov, POST-RELEASE, RECORDS & DECISION UNITS Kyia P. Underwood, Personnel Officer (410) 799-7592 CENTRAL REGION (Baltimore City & Baltimore County) Vacancy, Director (410) 585-3725 Those who qualify for Medicaid because they are aged, blind, disabled, or enrolled in a Home and Community-Based Services program can update their contact information by visiting their local . PLEASE NOTE: The site may contain material from other sources which may be under copyright. CASE MANAGEMENT e-mail: michael.hicks@maryland.gov FY2023 appropriation: $83,548,611; authorized positions: Stuart M. Nathan, Principal Counsel (410) 585-3070, Anthony A. Gaskins, Special Assistant to Chief of Staff (410) 339-5000e-mail: anthony.gaskins@maryland.gov, OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS Christopher S. Smith,, Warden (410) 540-6700 PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE e-mail: jeff.nines@maryland.gov, ROXBURY CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION (Hagerstown) INTERSTATE COMPACT UNIT ASSISTANT WARDEN Laura Golliday, Chief of Security (240) 420-1302; e-mail: laurak.golliday@maryland.gov David R. Blumberg, Chair (chosen by Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services with Governor's approval), 2027 COMMITMENT e-mail: latawnya.stallworth@maryland.gov Debora A. Darden, Assistant Warden (410) 845-4000, ext. County Commissioners In Maryland Question New Superintendent's Use Of Funds For Superbowl Trip by Zak Failla News 11/10/2022 . VOLUNTEER SERVICES COMMUNITY SUPERVISION Vacancy, Chair (chosen by Commission in Nov., 1-year term) Christopher S. Smith,, Warden (410) 540-6700 ADMINISTRATION & SUPPORT SERVICES RELIGIOUS SERVICES Vacancy, Director (410) 339-5084. e-mail: william.bohrer@maryland.gov MAINTENANCE FIELD SERVICES Michelle Zollicoffer, Coordinator (410) 585-3327 CASE MANAGEMENT FY2023 appropriation: $99,044,761; authorized positions: (Q00S0206, formerly Q00B0605, formerly Diane E. Fleischman, Personnel Officer (240) 420-1375; e-mail: diane.fleischman@maryland.gov Michael Hicks, Director (410) 209-4362 FY2023 appropriation: $28,853,614; authorized positions: 326 BALTIMORE PRETRIAL COMPLEX & YOUTH DETENTION CENTER http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/oos.shtml, OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT & LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS, http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/mccs.shtml, OFFICE OF INVESTIGATION, INTELLIGENCE, & FUGITIVE APPREHENSION, http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/oig.shtml, http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/iid.shtml, OFFICE OF LEADERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/mpc.shtml, http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/scb.shtml, http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/opprs.shtml, http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/hrsd.shtml, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION, http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/itcd.shtml, CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION SYSTEM CENTRAL REPOSITORY, http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/psu.shtml, POLICE & CORRECTIONAL TRAINING COMMISSIONS, MARYLAND POLICE TRAINING & STANDARDS COMMISSION, http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/igo.shtml, OFFICE OF PROPERTY & FLEET MANAGEMENT SERVICES, http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/opms.shtml, OFFICE OF CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION & FACILITIES MAINTENANCE, http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/ccfm.shtml, OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL & EMERGENCY OPERATIONS, http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/patuxent.shtml, CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS, MARYLAND CORRECTIONAL ENTERPRISES MANAGEMENT COUNCIL, CENTRAL MARYLAND CORRECTIONAL FACILITY (Sykesville), MINIMUM SECURITY COMPOUND (EASTERN CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION ANNEX), MARYLAND CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION - JESSUP, MARYLAND CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION FOR WOMEN - JESSUP, MARYLAND RECEPTION, DIAGNOSTIC & CLASSIFICATION CENTER (Baltimore), MARYLAND CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION - HAGERSTOWN, ROXBURY CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION (Hagerstown), BROCKBRIDGE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY (Jessup), SOUTHERN MARYLAND PRE-RELEASE UNIT (Hughesville), http://dpscs.maryland.gov/parole_and_probation/, REGIONAL OFFICES OF COMMUNITY SUPERVISION, DIVISION OF PRETRIAL DETENTION & SERVICES, http://dpscs.maryland.gov/pretrial-detention/, BALTIMORE PRETRIAL COMPLEX & YOUTH DETENTION CENTER, CHESAPEAKE DETENTION FACILITY (Baltimore), Maryland Constitutional Offices & Agencies, Maryland Executive Commissions, Committees, Task Forces, & Advisory Boards. Robert S. Dean, Jr., Chief of Security (410) 540-6341; e-mail: roberts.dean@maryland.gov DRUG ABUSE RESISTANCE EDUCATION (DARE) SALES Frank T. Taylor, Jr., Esq., Executive Director (410) 585-3840; e-mail: frank.taylor@maryland.gov e-mail: walter.west@maryland.gov Appointed by Senate President: one vacancy REGIONAL OFFICES OF COMMUNITY SUPERVISION OPERATIONS Kimberly Stewart, Assistant Warden (410) 799-7276 Duties include reviewing files . ASSISTANT WARDEN FY2023 appropriation: $78,554,322; authorized positions: BALTIMORE PRE-RELEASE UNIT Jason L. Harbaugh, Chief of Security (301) 729-7007; e-mail: jason.harbaugh@maryland.gov of Health; Curtis J. Murray, Dept. web: http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/ccfm.shtml DIVISION OF PAROLE & PROBATION FY2023 appropriation: $43,559,725; authorized positions: CENTRAL HOME DETENTION UNIT SECURITY e-mail: cleveland.friday@maryland.gov POLICY, PROCEDURES & AUDITS FY2023 appropriation: $42,014,269; authorized positions: Walter R. West III, Warden (410) 845-4000, ext. e-mail: taofeek.adewumi@maryland.gov FOOD SERVICES FY2023 appropriation: $261,515,549; authorized positions: 1,793.6 Vacancy, Chair (chosen by Committee) FOOD SERVICES (formerly Q00B06, formerly 35.02.06) Ruth Ann Ogle, Administrator (410) 585-3232; e-mail: ruth.ogle@maryland.gov, PAROLE HEARINGS SECURITY Shina Castain-Thompson, Regional Administrator (301) 228-2935; e-mail: shina.castain-thompson@maryland.gov MARYLAND RECEPTION, DIAGNOSTIC & CLASSIFICATION CENTER (Baltimore) Andrea King-Wessels, Manager (410) 875-3435 e-mail: mark.rowley@maryland.gov Eastern Correctional Institution Training Building, Revells Neck Road, Westover, Maryland, May 2017. Michele D. Jones, Administrator (410) 540-6234; e-mail: micheled.jones@maryland.gov Vacancy, Director (410) 540-5405, ADMINISTRATION Jan 2018 - Present5 years 2 months. Parole & Probation Office - Baltimore, MD 21202 Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Parole & Probation Office. Appointed by Department Secretaries: Johnathan R. (John) West, Dept. King II, Deputy Commissioner (410) 209-4284; e-mail: leon.king@maryland.gov EXTERNAL SERVICES HAROLD E. DONNELL PRE-RELEASE FACILITY Donna A. Hansen, Chief of Security (410) 209-4018; e-mail: donna.hansen@maryland.gov, CENTRAL BOOKING & INTAKE CENTER VOLUNTEER SERVICES HAROLD E. DONNELL PRE-RELEASE FACILITY MAINTENANCE Staff: Ashley L. Lohr (410) 540-5405; e-mail: ashley.lohr@maryland.gov (Q00S0207, formerly Q00B0606, formerly Keith D. Dickens, Chief of Security (410) 540-6702; e-mail: keith.dickens@maryland.gov Between 2015 and 2020, the Maryland Parole Commission approved 86 medical parole applications and denied 253. BOARD OF REVIEW JAIL INDUSTRIES BUILDING e-mail: karen.koski-miller@maryland.gov of General Services; James Beauchamp, Maryland Dept. 104; e-mail: michelle.pacheco@maryland.gov Nurudeen O. Matti, Acting Assistant Warden (410) 230-1433; e-mail: nurudeen.matti@maryland.gov Deborah A. Carter, Director (410) 545-8251; e-mail: deboraha.carter@maryland.gov e-mail: ricky.gardner@maryland.gov, PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT ASSISTANT WARDEN CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS SOUTHERN REGION VICTIM SERVICES RELIGIOUS SERVICES MAINTENANCE She also served as a member of the Prince George's Community College Foundation Board from September 2010 - September 2012. Rosetta D. Swan, Administrator (410) 209-4177 Nate C. Denton, Chief of Security (410) 379-6034; e-mail: nate.denton@maryland.gov web: http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/patuxent.shtml Dionne Randolph, Commissioner of Pretrial Detention & Services (410) 230-1446 FOOD SERVICES FY2023 appropriation: $43,559,725; authorized positions: CLASSIFICATION HEALTH SERVICES Appointed by Governor upon legislative nomination to 3-year terms: ASSISTANT WARDEN Walter E. Nolley, Executive Assistant Director (443) 528-7210 Erin B. Shaffer, Psy.D., Director (appointed by Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services) (410) 799-3300 (Q00A0301, formerly Q00B0901, formerly PROJECTS Engrican B. Budoy, Chief Information Officer (410) 540-5410; e-mail: engrican.budoy@maryland.gov William M. Bailey, Administrator (410) 845-4000, ext. Daniel A. Kelley, Director (410) 209-4109; e-mail: daniel.kelley@maryland.gov Patricia Weber-Wolford, Chair (chosen by Committee), 1999 CASE MANAGEMENT (Q00T0408, formerly Q00T0201, formerly Q00B0301, formerly FY2023 appropriation: $21,348,309; authorized positions: 238 Maryland Independent Agencies MAINTENANCE e-mail: cornelius.woodson@maryland.gov RESEARCH DEPARTMENT (Q00S0210, formerly Q00T0205, formerly Q00B0611, formerly Minimum Security Compound, [Eastern Correctional Institution Annex], 30430 Revells Neck Road, Westover, Maryland, May 2017. BOOKING FY2023 appropriation: $17,509,057; authorized positions: James N. Ring, 1997; Morris A. Bozman, 2001; Robert W. Murphey, 2001; Mattie W. Dryden, 2003; Lauren C. Taylor, 2003; one vacancy. RESEARCH DEPARTMENT Patricia Weber-Wolford, Chair (chosen by Committee), 1999 Michele D. Jones, Administrator (410) 540-6234; e-mail: micheled.jones@maryland.gov INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES SECTION INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES SECTION Carol F. Harmon, Assistant Warden (410) 209-4130; e-mail: carol.harmon@maryland.gov Ronald R. Stotler, Chief of Security (301) 729-7508; e-mail: ronaldr.stotler@maryland.gov web: http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/itcd.shtml Michelle A. Mann, Chief of Security (410) 878-4111; e-mail: michelle.mann@maryland.gov Prior to her appointment to the U.S. Parole Commission, Patricia Cushwa served for 12 years on the Maryland Parole Commission, seven of those years as Chair. Cornelius H. Woodson, Coordinator (410) 585-3557 SPECIAL COURTS & PROBLEM-SOLVING COURTS HEALTH SERVICES CENTRAL MARYLAND CORRECTIONAL FACILITY (Sykesville) FISCAL SERVICES DIVISION OF PAROLE & PROBATION SECURITY STAFF TRAINING Appointed by Governor upon legislative nomination to 3-year terms: RECORDS Vacancy, Warden (410) 379-6299, (410) 379-6020 David C. Greene, Assistant Warden (410) 379-6313; e-mail: david.greene@maryland.gov SECURITY e-mail: simon.wainwright@maryland.gov INMATE GRIEVANCE OFFICE Chrys Bandon-Bibum, Assistant Director (410) 585-3041 Ronald S. Weber, Warden (301) 729-7001 Further, the Governor granted nine medical parole requests from individuals serving life sentences and rejected 14 requests. web: http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/opprs.shtml, HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICES DIVISION DIVISION OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES CENTRAL TRANSPORTATION UNIT Photo by Diane F. Evartt. Eastern Correctional Institution, 30420 Revells Neck Road, Westover, Maryland, May 2017. INMATE EDUCATION 4085; e-mail: debora.darden@maryland.gov RELIGIOUS SERVICES SOCIAL WORK Appointed by Department Secretaries: Johnathan R. (John) West, Dept. CONTRACT COMPLIANCE AUDITS LAUNDRY OPERATIONS Appointed by Chief Judge, Court of Appeals: Pamila J. Eleanor A. McMullen, Policy Advisor (410) 585-3568 On April 24, 2019, Governor Hogan accepted an 8-0 recommendation by the parole commission and commuted the life sentence of Calvin Ash, 68, who had served 47 years in prison for killing his wife's boyfriend in 1972.
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